October Harvest

Now you might think you are looking at a photograph from the guardian colour supplement or maybe Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstalls latest River Cottage book... but no, these beautiful carrots were pulled from our allotment this very afternoon!

The boys sewed them back in July, they pulled them this afternoon to much shouting of joy at the colours and sizes.  And they ate them for their tea.  This is what it's all about isn't it?  This is the reason for the plot. 

Today was the first time in about 3 weeks we have been to the plot.  We were dreading what it might look like.  But were pleasantly surprised with the bountiful colour and produce. 

The cosmos is still in full flower along with some sunflowers.  Outside the shed up to about waist height we were surprised to find masses of purple asters!  We hadn't a clue they were there.

We have some new neighbours.  The beeman's plot next door has been divided in 3 and Shona & Sylvester have taken the bottom plot.  They had started to clear the brambles only to find glass and rubble underneath.  Poor guys.  Taking on an allotment is like initation by fire... if you can get past the clearing and digging part at the beginning the rest relatively easy.

So back to our plot, we cleared away the old courgette plants, moved the comfrey, and planted some green manures (winter tares).

Can't wait to get up there tomorrow.

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