meet the newest member of my home..

Here he is, meet Merlin.  Merlin because he's a bit magic. (I could have gone with Derren or Paul!! (not) god am I going mad!?)

I think my little plant is rather cute, it looks like he's waving at me.  Hi!

In the bottom image is my succulent called Blue - Merlin and Blue together on the sideboard (with the dust).

Ok I'll shut up now.  

My new plant was given to me by my neighbour after she saw I had pinned one of these plants on Pinterest.  She took a cutting from a plant she had lovingly cared for, for many years.  Isn't she kind?  Nice to have such friendly neighbours isn't it?

This is my contribution to this weeks  Nature in the Home.  Hop over and see what everyone is doing.
